Occupational Noise
Helping businesses understand and evaluate noise within their workplaces.
Understanding and evaluating noise exposures in the workplace is an important way of ensuring occupational exposure levels are not likely to have an adverse effect on hearing. Repeat exposure to high noise levels often leads to noise induced hearing loss which can be prevented with the right advice.
Risk assessment
Evaluation of current control measures and risk of exposure
Evaluating the risks associated with noise can be difficult without the expertise of an occupational hygiene professional. Assessing the risks associated with noise exposure should be undertaken by a competent professional where various techniques can be used to determine levels and design suitable and sufficient control measured in line with the regulations.
Measuring personal exposures
Noise monitoring
Determining personal exposures to noise can be done using methods which accurately measure the levels. Noise levels are then used to calculate daily exposures and subsequently allowing for individual profiles of similar exposure group exposures to be compared against the action levels and limit values outlined in the regulations.
Controlling Noise
Determining additional control measures
Occupational hygienists can assess the working environment and draw on experience and expertise to advise comprehensive noise controls that can help businesses reduce their reliance on hearing protection as a primary control measure.